C# Focus TextBox on Form Load


When showing a form that contains a TextBox, it’s common courtesy to focus the TextBox so that the user can begin typing immediately.

To focus a TextBox when a Windows Form first loads, simply set the TabIndex for the TextBox to zero (or the lowest TabIndex for any Control on the Form).

When a Form is displayed, it automatically focuses the Control with the lowest TabIndex.  Note that if your TextBox is pre-initialized with some text, then the entire Text will be selected, as shown below:

Entire text is selected

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C# Read Text File Line-by-Line


Here is the code to read a text file from disk one line at a time into a string.  This code ensures the file exists and properly closes the file if an exception occurs.

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C# Overloaded Methods with Inherited Arguments


This article discusses one of those programming topics that may be confusing at first but seems obvious once you know it.

As you know, C# enables you to overload the same method in a class with different arguments.  But it’s also possible to overload a method with arguments that inherit from one another.

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Find the Root of a C# Hierarchy


Many objects in .NET are stored in a hierarchy.  For example: controls, files and folders, and anything you would normally display in a tree view.  There are many different algorithms for finding the root of a hierarchy.  Here is one of them:

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Determine if Your C# Application is 64-bit


It’s easy to determine if your C# application is 64-bit.  Just check the Size property of IntPtr.  If it’s 8, then your application is 64-bit.  If it’s 4, then your application is 32-bit.

Here is a simple C# console program to demonstrate this:

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DataGridView HideSelection to Hide Selection when Grid Loses Focus


The DataGridView is a powerful grid control included in the .NET Framework.  One function missing, however, is the ability to hide the current selection when the DataGridView control is not focused.  What the DataGridView class needs is a HideSelection property, similar to the ListView and TextBox.  But the .NET designers have not included this capability in the DataGridView class.

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C# Switch Case Order Doesn’t Matter


The order of C# switch case statements in your code has no effect on performance.

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Sort C# Array in Descending/Reverse Order


How do you sort a C# array in descending or reverse order?  A simple way is to sort the array in ascending order, then reverse it:

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Check Valid File Path in C#


It’s not a trivial exercise to validate a file path on a Windows PC.  There are a few special cases depending on the file system and operating subsystem:

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Display an RTF File that’s a C# Embedded Resource


It’s easy to display an RTF file — that was embedded as a resource in a C# program — in a Windows Form RichTextControl.

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