Following are some simple but useful FREE tools for software developers. Each tool is freely distributable and includes the original C# source code so you can modify the tool to your needs. These tools are not supported. Enjoy!

Color Gadget

Select a .NET KnownColor or other color, copy RGB and hex values to the clipboard.

Free Download

Guid Generator

Generate a new globally-unique ID and copy it to the clipboard.

Free Download

Hex Converter

Quickly convert between hex and decimal numbers.

Free Download

Shortcut Replace

Search/replace the path and working directory in a collection of shortcut (.lnk) files.

Free Download

Visual Studio Toolbox Installer

Console program that installs/removes tabs and custom controls and components in the Visual Studio .NET Toolbox.

Free Download

Window Watcher

Shows the form and client bounds of the active window.

Free Download